Well, I had my 20 week ultrasound and everything seems to be going as expected. Baby's heartbeat is good, size is great, very active. We did the whole 3D picture thing. Very cool. I actually slept through my husband's alarm and getting up for work this morning. That is weird!! I am a very light sleeper and have been since middle school so I am really surprised. I am also still sleeping 10-12 hours a day when I can. I am taking iron and vitamin B and my blood tests come back good, so I guess I am just tired.
I turned 40 on the 6th. It was a hard one. I work with old people and they had no sympathy at all, so it made it go a little better than if I sat at home pouting. We went out to dinner the night before and breakfast that morning. The boys brought my cake to me in bed. My poor boy is going to have all his happy childhood memories of his mother in bed.
I am off to have my less than 300mg of caffeine so I can actually get something done today.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Back to work
He he ... get it ... back to work. I started work last night for a full 7 in a row. It is going to be tough. My back really hurts today and Devlin isn't being so great about letting me sleep. He is used to having me home and semi awake for two weeks. The baby really responds to Devlin. When he gets in bed with me to snuggle she starts moving around quite a bit. She loves his voice. I have a feeling she is going to worship her big brother. Working on your feet when your pregnant is hard. I miss having a sit down job, but can't change now because of the health insurance. Darn it!! I love what I do, but it is hard work. Better get Devlin some dessert.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Continuing Saga
Went to the doctor yesterday about the back injury. I am out of work until Monday and filing for short term disability at work. This is the pits. John did end up coming home early on Saturday and helping clean and get stuff ready for the party. I did a one on one at work that night... suicide watch, so I was very very glad that John was home. I came home to a very clean, wonderfully decorated home and all Devlin's presents wrapped. He is a good guy. Stayed up all night long.
The party went very well. The neighbors are the only ones who came, but that was all we really expected. Jim and Peggy went to Virginia and Tony wasn't feeling well. Uncle Tony doesn't have time to travel up to us very much, we usually have to go see him. We really missed the presence of Madigan and Jodie. All in all though, except for one fit it was a nice day.
Then Monday, his real birthday. We got a package from Gigi (Karyn) and our card from Grandad. That started the ball rolling. Da and I took Devlin to Chuck E Cheese and had a great time. Chuck E even came out to personally sing Happy Birthday even though there were only three kids in the whole place. Then we went to Toys R Us because their "birthday club" says they will make a big fuss on their birthday... they didn't. We shopped with Grandad's money though, Devlin enjoyed getting what he wanted. (He always does)
Meanwhile, I had to have John clean up the birthday party mess and pick up the mess made after that because I just cannot bend over and pick stuff up. The doc gave me tylenol with codeine which is safe for the baby, but I will still take it sparingly. He also informed me that the heating pad I have been using a LOT has been prolonging my back injury, not helping it. Apparently it can cause rebound swelling if you use it too much, so I am on ice only three times a day. I feel like an invalid. The thing that really bites is I say all the time I could use time off to clean this apartment, now I have it and can't clean. Ugh!!
Still haven't felt the baby. I am only 4 months, but some people do feel it by now. I felt Devlin on my wedding day... that was 5 months, so I am not panicking.
The party went very well. The neighbors are the only ones who came, but that was all we really expected. Jim and Peggy went to Virginia and Tony wasn't feeling well. Uncle Tony doesn't have time to travel up to us very much, we usually have to go see him. We really missed the presence of Madigan and Jodie. All in all though, except for one fit it was a nice day.
Then Monday, his real birthday. We got a package from Gigi (Karyn) and our card from Grandad. That started the ball rolling. Da and I took Devlin to Chuck E Cheese and had a great time. Chuck E even came out to personally sing Happy Birthday even though there were only three kids in the whole place. Then we went to Toys R Us because their "birthday club" says they will make a big fuss on their birthday... they didn't. We shopped with Grandad's money though, Devlin enjoyed getting what he wanted. (He always does)
Meanwhile, I had to have John clean up the birthday party mess and pick up the mess made after that because I just cannot bend over and pick stuff up. The doc gave me tylenol with codeine which is safe for the baby, but I will still take it sparingly. He also informed me that the heating pad I have been using a LOT has been prolonging my back injury, not helping it. Apparently it can cause rebound swelling if you use it too much, so I am on ice only three times a day. I feel like an invalid. The thing that really bites is I say all the time I could use time off to clean this apartment, now I have it and can't clean. Ugh!!
Still haven't felt the baby. I am only 4 months, but some people do feel it by now. I felt Devlin on my wedding day... that was 5 months, so I am not panicking.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Back Injury
What a horrible turn of events. I was cleaning Devlin's room yesterday in preparation for his birthday party and was getting a little sore, so I took a break. I felt much better so started cleaning again. I was behaving too, I took something to sit on and didn't bend at the waist, but I went to pick up a toy and couldn't get back up. I took a bath, lay on a heating pad, lay on an ice pack, the works. I can only take Tylenol because of the pregnancy, so needless to say I couldn't work and I have NO IDEA how I am going to get everything done for the party. John works a 12 hour shift and then has something to do after work, so he will be absolutely NO help. I cried and cried yesterday. Today I am in so much pain I can't even sit on the toilet for more than a minute or so at a time. Yes, much to everyone who reads this blogs pleasure, I am having "that other" pregnancy issue too!! You know, the one that would cause you to need to sit on the commode for more than a minute. I have to clean, wrap presents, organize games, and shop... all with excrutiating pain. Oh, and I was trying to save up PTO time at work for having the baby, but had to use it because of this back thing. I asked for Saturday (tonight) off and was turned down, so now when I call in they are going to assume that is why. I would actually prefer to work than have this happen. Back to the heating pad.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Not a diligent blogger
I have been remiss in posting for the blog. I read a beautiful article in Plum magazine (for preggers over 35) about someone with a child Devlin's age that got pregnant and is about my age. I found I am not as prolific a writer, guess that is why I have to do this blog and don't make money publishing articles for Plum magazine.
I entered my second trimester to no fan fare. I did have sciatica introduced to the pregnancy list of aches, pains, and illnesses. That is quite painful when you work on your feet, but there is nothing to do, but know that you will be done with all this in March and then you get to begin the no sleep torture test. My friend once told me that the reason parents wake their teenagers early on a Saturday morning to "be a part of the family" was revenge for the torture they put us through as babies. Sounds like a plan to me. Yesterday I was awakened at 8:37 am to a request for tape. I drowsily answered "later" and the reply was a slap on the arm, a forceful look in the one open eye and loudly pronounced "TAPE". By the way, I had just fallen asleep at 8:15 am from working 11pm to 7am. Grrrrr. My only solace is to know that when he drags his 16 year old behind to bed at 3am one weekend I will be able to loudly declare at 8am "CHORES!!!!"
Baby is the size of a lemon now and can grimace and frown and possibly suck her thumb. My husband introduced a new middle name to the list that I adore. Caoelin Delaney... very cute. Marie was the planned middle name and it is a family name, is it too pretentious to have two middle names?! We still have time to decide, but I really like it.
Devlin's birthday is this Monday, but we have to have the party Sunday because his one and only friend is in school and wouldn't be able to come on Monday. We plan to make both days fun and special. Momma and Da are taking him to Chuck E Cheese on Monday. I am spending the rest of today and tomorrow cleaning the tornado of a room of his to make room for them to play in there on Sunday. I am scared to start. It becomes an endless obsession for two days. My pregnant back is not looking forward to it either. I know I have to do it though because the mess is so overwhelming that even Devlin won't go in and pick out toys to play with. He asks if I will find his Thomas trains so he can play with them. That is messy!!!!
I entered my second trimester to no fan fare. I did have sciatica introduced to the pregnancy list of aches, pains, and illnesses. That is quite painful when you work on your feet, but there is nothing to do, but know that you will be done with all this in March and then you get to begin the no sleep torture test. My friend once told me that the reason parents wake their teenagers early on a Saturday morning to "be a part of the family" was revenge for the torture they put us through as babies. Sounds like a plan to me. Yesterday I was awakened at 8:37 am to a request for tape. I drowsily answered "later" and the reply was a slap on the arm, a forceful look in the one open eye and loudly pronounced "TAPE". By the way, I had just fallen asleep at 8:15 am from working 11pm to 7am. Grrrrr. My only solace is to know that when he drags his 16 year old behind to bed at 3am one weekend I will be able to loudly declare at 8am "CHORES!!!!"
Baby is the size of a lemon now and can grimace and frown and possibly suck her thumb. My husband introduced a new middle name to the list that I adore. Caoelin Delaney... very cute. Marie was the planned middle name and it is a family name, is it too pretentious to have two middle names?! We still have time to decide, but I really like it.
Devlin's birthday is this Monday, but we have to have the party Sunday because his one and only friend is in school and wouldn't be able to come on Monday. We plan to make both days fun and special. Momma and Da are taking him to Chuck E Cheese on Monday. I am spending the rest of today and tomorrow cleaning the tornado of a room of his to make room for them to play in there on Sunday. I am scared to start. It becomes an endless obsession for two days. My pregnant back is not looking forward to it either. I know I have to do it though because the mess is so overwhelming that even Devlin won't go in and pick out toys to play with. He asks if I will find his Thomas trains so he can play with them. That is messy!!!!
Monday, September 10, 2007
She is beautiful
Saw the OB doc and got the ultrasound today. The OB said that everything seems right on. He isn't worried about my nutrition, says the baby will take what it needs. My blood work looks great, no anemia, no thyroid issue, vitals and sugar all super.
Then we went in for the ultrasound. She is gorgeous. She is forming perfectly. Her measurements are right on, her heartbeat was 162 beats a minute and very steady. She waved at us. I will post a picture if I can figure out how. She is moving around a lot in there and really showed off for the ultrasound. It was great that John could be there too. He wasn't there for Devlin's first ultrasound. We talked about testing and told the doc we weren't interested in anything, but the new blood test for Spinabifida because that one can also indicate a tendency toward preeclampsia. So, Caoelin is healthy and happy so far. I am at 12.5 weeks. Moving into trimester two. Hopefully that means less sleeping. I don't get anything done for all the sleeping.
Then we went in for the ultrasound. She is gorgeous. She is forming perfectly. Her measurements are right on, her heartbeat was 162 beats a minute and very steady. She waved at us. I will post a picture if I can figure out how. She is moving around a lot in there and really showed off for the ultrasound. It was great that John could be there too. He wasn't there for Devlin's first ultrasound. We talked about testing and told the doc we weren't interested in anything, but the new blood test for Spinabifida because that one can also indicate a tendency toward preeclampsia. So, Caoelin is healthy and happy so far. I am at 12.5 weeks. Moving into trimester two. Hopefully that means less sleeping. I don't get anything done for all the sleeping.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Monday is Doctor and Ultasound
Still extremely tired. I am unable to give up coffee 100 percent because of it. It is the only thing that gets me moving sometimes. I have cut way way back though. I have about 8oz a day compared to the 24 I used to have. I don't drink caffinated beverages other than that. The nausea is okay as long as there is something in my stomach all the time. Other than that everything seems to be going okay.
I am craving hamburgers like mad. I could eat a big juicy hamburger with mayo, tomato, and lettuce every single day. Fortunately my tummy can't eat a whole burger, but I sure am crazy craving them. John says it is because I am not getting enough protein. I got protein shake stuff, but it makes me nauseous to drink it. Maybe through my next trimester?!
My maternal grandmother isn't doing well and I am a bit stressed about that. I am trying to think of ways that I can go and help my aunt take care of her, but D.C. is a very expensive place to live. I am not too crazy about living in Virginia or even the east coast either. I like Wisconsin! We shall see what happens. More news as something develops there.
I am craving hamburgers like mad. I could eat a big juicy hamburger with mayo, tomato, and lettuce every single day. Fortunately my tummy can't eat a whole burger, but I sure am crazy craving them. John says it is because I am not getting enough protein. I got protein shake stuff, but it makes me nauseous to drink it. Maybe through my next trimester?!
My maternal grandmother isn't doing well and I am a bit stressed about that. I am trying to think of ways that I can go and help my aunt take care of her, but D.C. is a very expensive place to live. I am not too crazy about living in Virginia or even the east coast either. I like Wisconsin! We shall see what happens. More news as something develops there.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Weekends off
We drove to Chilton and went to the Calumet County Fair yesterday. I was looking forward to cows and pigs and such, but we only found chickens, turkeys, rabbits, and geese. John kept saying "I'm getting hungrier and hungrier" One of the turkeys could have fed the entire fair... it was HUGANTIC (Devlin's own made up word) Devlin rode rides on his own, I was very proud. He is getting so big. I am still unable to inspire him to read. I don't know if it is laziness or fear, but we work with readers and the alphabet and talk about all the things he would know if he could read, and nothing works.
I saw the OB nurse educator on Thursday morning. She gave me about 7 free magazines and other free stuff. She answered some of my questions and referred me to the doctor for other ones. I have an ultrasound scheduled along with the doctor visit on September 10. She gave me a due date of March 20. We will explore that further with the ultrasound, of course, but I am still shooting for St Patty's Day.
Tiredness still overwhelming, but nausea is pretty limited. Emotional mess still too.
I saw the OB nurse educator on Thursday morning. She gave me about 7 free magazines and other free stuff. She answered some of my questions and referred me to the doctor for other ones. I have an ultrasound scheduled along with the doctor visit on September 10. She gave me a due date of March 20. We will explore that further with the ultrasound, of course, but I am still shooting for St Patty's Day.
Tiredness still overwhelming, but nausea is pretty limited. Emotional mess still too.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Emotional Mess
Today was really a good day. Devlin was great about letting me sleep and then I got myself up and took him to the playground at the mall. I also took him to the bookstore and the Halloween store, so he had a blast. He got a good work out too. I couldn't stop hugging the boy. I want him to know how much I love him, but he doesn't care he just wants to buy bouncing eye balls and rolling rats and move on with his day. I also emailed my Dad a messy mail about what a great dad he is. I am an emotional wreck. Saw the movie Shopgirl the other night and could not stop crying. It is getting a bit silly.
Nausea is okay as long as I have food in my tummy. I have been craving a big juicy hamburger, like the thick burger at Hardees or something from a fancier place. Really thick and juicy with lettuce and a big slice of tomato. Well, the only restaurant at the mall that could do that for me wouldn't talk to me. The hostess stood and talked to some good looking guy filling out an application and ignored me. I just walked off and settled for TacoHell, but ended up throwing most of it away cause it just didn't do. John is off gaming so I am alone for the evening. That probably means crying over another chick flick and going to bed at 11 o'clock. Pregnancy is kind of pathetic.
Nausea is okay as long as I have food in my tummy. I have been craving a big juicy hamburger, like the thick burger at Hardees or something from a fancier place. Really thick and juicy with lettuce and a big slice of tomato. Well, the only restaurant at the mall that could do that for me wouldn't talk to me. The hostess stood and talked to some good looking guy filling out an application and ignored me. I just walked off and settled for TacoHell, but ended up throwing most of it away cause it just didn't do. John is off gaming so I am alone for the evening. That probably means crying over another chick flick and going to bed at 11 o'clock. Pregnancy is kind of pathetic.
Monday, August 20, 2007
It is back!
Okay, so the feeling great didn't last. I have also put off the laundry for three days. Lazy and nauseous. Nothing new there.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Feeling Great?
I have felt great the past few days. I feel like something should be wrong. No nausea at all. I have still been sleepy, but not quite so bad. I was able to get up after 4 hours yesterday and we went to the Train Depot (Devlin LOVES that store) and got dinner at the mall. There is a playground at the mall food court, so we can pick whatever food we want and Devlin can run his little booty into the ground and play with other kids. Unfortunately that usually means we will all be sick in a week, but it is always worth it. I have to do laundry today, I wanted to try to put it off until tomorrow, but John is out of uniforms. I hate taking Devlin to the LaundryMat because he gets a bit unruley since he is bored. Oh well, we do what we have to. I hope feeling good doesn't mean something is wrong.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Wonders and Doubts
Why do they make you wait so long to see a doctor? I have a ton of questions about diet and other stuff and I have to wait. Like is Nutrasweet really the horrible deformity maker that the internet makes it out to be, because I am having a tough time giving it up when I can't have sugar. Splenda is great, but the internet says that isn't any better really. Not to mention Splenda is not in as many drinks as it was when it first came out. I am taking a regular multivitamin and worry I am getting too much vitamin A even though 23% of it is in the form of betacarotein. I am having weird pregnancy dreams too. I dreamed I was sleeping with the twin brother of one of my patients. My patient is a very old, very sick man... yuck. I haven't dreamed I am having puppies yet though. I am still queezy a lot and tired ALL the time. I did manage to do the dishes and take the recycling to the basement though.. yeah me!! I don't want to be pregnant anymore. (Yes, still want the pumpka I am carrying, but just don't want to carry her) I tell you if I could travel back in time I would tell Eve what a stupid horrible idiot she was. :0
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Fit Pregnancy
I bought Fit Pregnancy Magazine today when I went to pick up the Sunday paper. I can't believe I am buying pregnancy magazines, but it had an article on morning sickness cures. Pretty much everything I am doing. The only thing it didn't mention is what the nursing supervisor told me about water the other day and diluting the hormones, but it does seem the better hydrated I am the less nauseous I am. I am having trouble stomaching the idea of drinking a protein shake, but my husband is insisting... which I am sure he is right... I just know they made me queezy when I had a perfectly fine tummy, much less one that balances on the edge of okay and yucky.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The beginning of a long work stretch
This is the second day in a long work stretch for me. I do three nights on, one off and another three on. I feel horrible for Devlin during this stretch, especially if his father is working because he has to entertain himself while I sleep all those days. Luckily this week his Da is off two days and they can share Webkinz or go to the park together, while I am zonked.
The Ginger Chews arrived!!! I have felt so good all day, except for the tiredness, of course. I even got up when John got home and ate dinner with him and cleaned up. He is off gaming tonight so I will get Devlin in bed and lie down after that. Not too bad, considering.
I have been searching the internet about information on gastric bypass and pregnancy. There isn't a lot. It does mention Folic Acid deficiency, but I am taking that. I remembered what my father told me with Devlin about Fish Oil and preventing ADD so I am taking that again too. It scares me a little that I am going to be 40 when I have this baby and all the chances of Down's and Autism and things that could go horribly wrong increase. Where would I be if I didn't have something to fret over, though?! I worry a bit about dumping syndrome and the effect on the baby. I only have had one dumping incident so far, but when your sugar drops to 40 does it effect the baby? I hate that I have to wait so long to see the OB doctor. They just have no interest in seeing me until September. Crazy.
If I don't blog for a few days it is because I am sleeping. Big surprie.
The Ginger Chews arrived!!! I have felt so good all day, except for the tiredness, of course. I even got up when John got home and ate dinner with him and cleaned up. He is off gaming tonight so I will get Devlin in bed and lie down after that. Not too bad, considering.
I have been searching the internet about information on gastric bypass and pregnancy. There isn't a lot. It does mention Folic Acid deficiency, but I am taking that. I remembered what my father told me with Devlin about Fish Oil and preventing ADD so I am taking that again too. It scares me a little that I am going to be 40 when I have this baby and all the chances of Down's and Autism and things that could go horribly wrong increase. Where would I be if I didn't have something to fret over, though?! I worry a bit about dumping syndrome and the effect on the baby. I only have had one dumping incident so far, but when your sugar drops to 40 does it effect the baby? I hate that I have to wait so long to see the OB doctor. They just have no interest in seeing me until September. Crazy.
If I don't blog for a few days it is because I am sleeping. Big surprie.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Pregnancy is a long time
Obviously there isn't a whole lot of exciting news in the pregnancy front. Jodies mom has purchased and is mailing me some ginger chews, I cannot thank her enough. I have been saving my last one for work, just in case I have a really bad bout of sickness. Other than that I have been sleeping and sleeping and sleeping. I sleep all night, wake up, do a few things, take a nap, wake up do a few things, take a nap. Not necessarily in that order. I have to FORCE myself to get anything done. I force myself by promising myself another nap. When I am working, if I don't sleep all day the day before I don't know if I could get through the night. I wonder if being sick all the time would be better, but either way I am not getting a lot done. I actually straightened up the house and vacuumed today. I still slept a lot though. Poor Devlin.
Speaking of Devlin, we spoke to the school district again and there was a slim hope there for a while, but then we talked to the psycologist and there isn't any way of getting him into kindergarten early. They have a tool for advanced placement, but not readiness, so he is out of luck. John is furious still. I told the psycologist as much, but he figured what good would it do to talk to her, it is just going to irritate him and put her on the defensive and Devlin still won't get into school. He still wants to show up on Devlin's 5th birthday and say.. yeah he has changed a TON in 23 days. They recommended a parks and rec class, but I don't know if it is going to be possible financially. We are definately going to try, though. The boy needs to do something with other kids.
I am off to get Devlin ready for bed... so I can take another nap!!!
Speaking of Devlin, we spoke to the school district again and there was a slim hope there for a while, but then we talked to the psycologist and there isn't any way of getting him into kindergarten early. They have a tool for advanced placement, but not readiness, so he is out of luck. John is furious still. I told the psycologist as much, but he figured what good would it do to talk to her, it is just going to irritate him and put her on the defensive and Devlin still won't get into school. He still wants to show up on Devlin's 5th birthday and say.. yeah he has changed a TON in 23 days. They recommended a parks and rec class, but I don't know if it is going to be possible financially. We are definately going to try, though. The boy needs to do something with other kids.
I am off to get Devlin ready for bed... so I can take another nap!!!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Saturday August 4
What a busy two days we have had!! I spend my time off trying to make up to Devlin for all the time he has to entertain himself while I sleep. Soon we will have to be "making it up" to two kids. Am I crazy?
Yesterday we hopped in the car and drove to Seymour Wisconsin the Home of the Hamburger for a Balloon ralley. We watched the hot air balloons take off and got a mouse balloon from Hamburger Charlie. Devlin has always been fascinated by hot air balloons so he really loved it. One day I will have to take him for a ride in one, but he will have to get over the fear of heights first.
Today we went to the Best Friends (a mentoring program) Children's Festival at Riverside Park. We had a blast!! We played all sorts of games and won prizes. We jumped in the air blown things and slid down the giant bouncy slide. He spent a long long time trying to make a basket in the bouncy basketball thingy. (Love that word... such great vocabulary)
During the best friends festival I discovered that I am going to have pregnancy migrains. I went half blind with the star vision that you can get with migrains. A woman at work has them and they are so bad for her she can't talk or think. I was very dizzy and shaky just before we left and started to feel better and then the blindness thing which I had to push through for Devlin. I am going to have to research this stuff.
We were out maybe 5 hours and I am EXHAUSTED!!! I could sleep for hours if I let myself. Prenancy is a time and effort killer. draft by Kerry's Pregnancy
Yesterday we hopped in the car and drove to Seymour Wisconsin the Home of the Hamburger for a Balloon ralley. We watched the hot air balloons take off and got a mouse balloon from Hamburger Charlie. Devlin has always been fascinated by hot air balloons so he really loved it. One day I will have to take him for a ride in one, but he will have to get over the fear of heights first.
Today we went to the Best Friends (a mentoring program) Children's Festival at Riverside Park. We had a blast!! We played all sorts of games and won prizes. We jumped in the air blown things and slid down the giant bouncy slide. He spent a long long time trying to make a basket in the bouncy basketball thingy. (Love that word... such great vocabulary)
During the best friends festival I discovered that I am going to have pregnancy migrains. I went half blind with the star vision that you can get with migrains. A woman at work has them and they are so bad for her she can't talk or think. I was very dizzy and shaky just before we left and started to feel better and then the blindness thing which I had to push through for Devlin. I am going to have to research this stuff.
We were out maybe 5 hours and I am EXHAUSTED!!! I could sleep for hours if I let myself. Prenancy is a time and effort killer. draft by Kerry's Pregnancy
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Thursday August 2
I found a cure for morning sickness!! My friend Jodie's mother had sent me some ginger candy from Trader Joe's a while ago, because I LOVE ginger candy. I had read somewhere that ginger helped, so I dug one out and ate one. Sure enough I felt 100 percent better! Anytime it comes back I eat one and feel better. I LOVE It!! Now, I have to hit Jodie's mom up to get to Trader Joe's again, because we don't have one here and I am almost out. I think I may be able to order them directly online too, but it is more fun to send Jodie's mom out on treasure hunts.
Devlin was getting carried away at snuggle time and was banging my belly with his leg. I told him to quit kicking his sister and just like any brother would do, he laughed and did it some more. I had to distract him and send him off to play, but I thought the maniacle little giggle told all.
Feeling great today! Work was great last night too cause I had help. I hope it goes as well tonight. I told Gretchen (the nurse I work with) my story about crying over cake. She said Angela had come out and asked about the cake and they had told her to eat it. I said it was fine that she ate it, I just thought it was funny that I cried over cake.
My son is obsessed with contraptions. We accidentally let him watch an episode of Tom and Jerry where Tom builds a better mouse trap. We had to tape it to VCR and he has rewound and watched it a zillion times today. He cannot understand why he can't build a mousetrap with a gun, knife, saw, and old wringing washing machine.
Oh, and he was not accepted for early kindergarten enterance. John was furious!! He said if he had been born 23 days earlier all this testing and stuff would be a non issue. He is write. I think the part of the "readiness" test he failed was because of things we won't let him do anyway, like walking to the neighbors alone and taking a bath alone. Crazy. I am looking into other programs though. Will keep posting.
Off to feed the boy while he watches the mousetrap thing for the zillionth and one time.
Devlin was getting carried away at snuggle time and was banging my belly with his leg. I told him to quit kicking his sister and just like any brother would do, he laughed and did it some more. I had to distract him and send him off to play, but I thought the maniacle little giggle told all.
Feeling great today! Work was great last night too cause I had help. I hope it goes as well tonight. I told Gretchen (the nurse I work with) my story about crying over cake. She said Angela had come out and asked about the cake and they had told her to eat it. I said it was fine that she ate it, I just thought it was funny that I cried over cake.
My son is obsessed with contraptions. We accidentally let him watch an episode of Tom and Jerry where Tom builds a better mouse trap. We had to tape it to VCR and he has rewound and watched it a zillion times today. He cannot understand why he can't build a mousetrap with a gun, knife, saw, and old wringing washing machine.
Oh, and he was not accepted for early kindergarten enterance. John was furious!! He said if he had been born 23 days earlier all this testing and stuff would be a non issue. He is write. I think the part of the "readiness" test he failed was because of things we won't let him do anyway, like walking to the neighbors alone and taking a bath alone. Crazy. I am looking into other programs though. Will keep posting.
Off to feed the boy while he watches the mousetrap thing for the zillionth and one time.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Wednesday August 1
Well, I am sitting at week 5 and the morning sickness has begun. I thought it might have been because I forgot my B vitamins yesterday, but I took them and a prilosec when I got home and I am still queezy. Funny that pregnancy feels like a punishment sometimes. What you get out of it is so wonderful it is totally worth it, but while you are living in your misery it doesn't seem so great.
Last night at work I experienced an emotional mess too. I hid it from people, but it was very hard. It was so busy and I was working with a very unhelpful nurse. Gretchen is still great, she and the new orientee Angela are my life savers. This nurse is mostly a nursing supervisor and "above it all". Anyway, I am running my bum off, especially with a death, and the guys 17 kids there. All I could think about was that gorgeous piece of cake left over in the break room.So, when I was walking back from cleaning out the dead guys room and saw Angela enjoying that last piece of beautiful cake it was all I could do not to cry. I think I actually did cry for a minute. I am not really supposed to have cake and she was really doing me a favor, but at the time it was the proverbial straw.
Now, I know why I want another child. In the middle of typing this blog my beautiful son, Devlin, (4) came up to me and put his arms around my neck, and kissed me and told me he loved me. All on his own. (of course I know he just wants on the computer, but it was still sweet)
Tummy feels a bit better with ice.
Last night at work I experienced an emotional mess too. I hid it from people, but it was very hard. It was so busy and I was working with a very unhelpful nurse. Gretchen is still great, she and the new orientee Angela are my life savers. This nurse is mostly a nursing supervisor and "above it all". Anyway, I am running my bum off, especially with a death, and the guys 17 kids there. All I could think about was that gorgeous piece of cake left over in the break room.So, when I was walking back from cleaning out the dead guys room and saw Angela enjoying that last piece of beautiful cake it was all I could do not to cry. I think I actually did cry for a minute. I am not really supposed to have cake and she was really doing me a favor, but at the time it was the proverbial straw.
Now, I know why I want another child. In the middle of typing this blog my beautiful son, Devlin, (4) came up to me and put his arms around my neck, and kissed me and told me he loved me. All on his own. (of course I know he just wants on the computer, but it was still sweet)
Tummy feels a bit better with ice.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday July 31
A day like any other, of late. I got up when John did at 6 and 6:30 and 7. I got Devlin breakfast and got John off to work. I played a bit with Devlin and got the computer going for him and went back to bed. I sleep this heavy sleep that is full of dreams. I can't believe I am having another child. I switch between elated and terrified. When Devlin is waking me from a lovely dream and I am looking at his beautiful face with one eye full of haze, I think, 'what have I done to myself?'
I went to my OB educator appointment a month early. It was for August 30 not July. The baby is already sucking the brain. My breasts hurt, but still not feeling sick. Do you think having my tiny cut up gut makes for no morning sickness? Or do you think it is just luck of the draw. I am so sure this is a girl that people laugh at me. I don't know why, I was sure Devlin was a boy.
What I am worried about today: Down's Syndrome (saw a girl at the fountain yesterday who's mom was a bit older than me and she had it) They are going to suggest all sorts of tests, but I am not going to have them. It isn't like I am going to abort if I find out the baby does have Down's, but I am still worried.
I am still trying to find out what is going on with Devlin's early Kindergarten entrance thing. I called the school district yesterday... what kind of business ALWAYS goes to voice mail?!
I went to my OB educator appointment a month early. It was for August 30 not July. The baby is already sucking the brain. My breasts hurt, but still not feeling sick. Do you think having my tiny cut up gut makes for no morning sickness? Or do you think it is just luck of the draw. I am so sure this is a girl that people laugh at me. I don't know why, I was sure Devlin was a boy.
What I am worried about today: Down's Syndrome (saw a girl at the fountain yesterday who's mom was a bit older than me and she had it) They are going to suggest all sorts of tests, but I am not going to have them. It isn't like I am going to abort if I find out the baby does have Down's, but I am still worried.
I am still trying to find out what is going on with Devlin's early Kindergarten entrance thing. I called the school district yesterday... what kind of business ALWAYS goes to voice mail?!
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