Saturday, September 22, 2007

Back Injury

What a horrible turn of events. I was cleaning Devlin's room yesterday in preparation for his birthday party and was getting a little sore, so I took a break. I felt much better so started cleaning again. I was behaving too, I took something to sit on and didn't bend at the waist, but I went to pick up a toy and couldn't get back up. I took a bath, lay on a heating pad, lay on an ice pack, the works. I can only take Tylenol because of the pregnancy, so needless to say I couldn't work and I have NO IDEA how I am going to get everything done for the party. John works a 12 hour shift and then has something to do after work, so he will be absolutely NO help. I cried and cried yesterday. Today I am in so much pain I can't even sit on the toilet for more than a minute or so at a time. Yes, much to everyone who reads this blogs pleasure, I am having "that other" pregnancy issue too!! You know, the one that would cause you to need to sit on the commode for more than a minute. I have to clean, wrap presents, organize games, and shop... all with excrutiating pain. Oh, and I was trying to save up PTO time at work for having the baby, but had to use it because of this back thing. I asked for Saturday (tonight) off and was turned down, so now when I call in they are going to assume that is why. I would actually prefer to work than have this happen. Back to the heating pad.

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