Saturday, August 4, 2007

Saturday August 4

What a busy two days we have had!! I spend my time off trying to make up to Devlin for all the time he has to entertain himself while I sleep. Soon we will have to be "making it up" to two kids. Am I crazy?

Yesterday we hopped in the car and drove to Seymour Wisconsin the Home of the Hamburger for a Balloon ralley. We watched the hot air balloons take off and got a mouse balloon from Hamburger Charlie. Devlin has always been fascinated by hot air balloons so he really loved it. One day I will have to take him for a ride in one, but he will have to get over the fear of heights first.

Today we went to the Best Friends (a mentoring program) Children's Festival at Riverside Park. We had a blast!! We played all sorts of games and won prizes. We jumped in the air blown things and slid down the giant bouncy slide. He spent a long long time trying to make a basket in the bouncy basketball thingy. (Love that word... such great vocabulary)

During the best friends festival I discovered that I am going to have pregnancy migrains. I went half blind with the star vision that you can get with migrains. A woman at work has them and they are so bad for her she can't talk or think. I was very dizzy and shaky just before we left and started to feel better and then the blindness thing which I had to push through for Devlin. I am going to have to research this stuff.

We were out maybe 5 hours and I am EXHAUSTED!!! I could sleep for hours if I let myself. Prenancy is a time and effort killer. draft by Kerry's Pregnancy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are blogging, now I can get my daily fix of you!
