Saturday, August 11, 2007

The beginning of a long work stretch

This is the second day in a long work stretch for me. I do three nights on, one off and another three on. I feel horrible for Devlin during this stretch, especially if his father is working because he has to entertain himself while I sleep all those days. Luckily this week his Da is off two days and they can share Webkinz or go to the park together, while I am zonked.

The Ginger Chews arrived!!! I have felt so good all day, except for the tiredness, of course. I even got up when John got home and ate dinner with him and cleaned up. He is off gaming tonight so I will get Devlin in bed and lie down after that. Not too bad, considering.

I have been searching the internet about information on gastric bypass and pregnancy. There isn't a lot. It does mention Folic Acid deficiency, but I am taking that. I remembered what my father told me with Devlin about Fish Oil and preventing ADD so I am taking that again too. It scares me a little that I am going to be 40 when I have this baby and all the chances of Down's and Autism and things that could go horribly wrong increase. Where would I be if I didn't have something to fret over, though?! I worry a bit about dumping syndrome and the effect on the baby. I only have had one dumping incident so far, but when your sugar drops to 40 does it effect the baby? I hate that I have to wait so long to see the OB doctor. They just have no interest in seeing me until September. Crazy.

If I don't blog for a few days it is because I am sleeping. Big surprie.

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