Friday, September 7, 2007

Monday is Doctor and Ultasound

Still extremely tired. I am unable to give up coffee 100 percent because of it. It is the only thing that gets me moving sometimes. I have cut way way back though. I have about 8oz a day compared to the 24 I used to have. I don't drink caffinated beverages other than that. The nausea is okay as long as there is something in my stomach all the time. Other than that everything seems to be going okay.

I am craving hamburgers like mad. I could eat a big juicy hamburger with mayo, tomato, and lettuce every single day. Fortunately my tummy can't eat a whole burger, but I sure am crazy craving them. John says it is because I am not getting enough protein. I got protein shake stuff, but it makes me nauseous to drink it. Maybe through my next trimester?!

My maternal grandmother isn't doing well and I am a bit stressed about that. I am trying to think of ways that I can go and help my aunt take care of her, but D.C. is a very expensive place to live. I am not too crazy about living in Virginia or even the east coast either. I like Wisconsin! We shall see what happens. More news as something develops there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can not wait to hear how things go. It's a very exciting day!
