Sunday, November 11, 2007

Wow it has been forever.

Well, I had my 20 week ultrasound and everything seems to be going as expected. Baby's heartbeat is good, size is great, very active. We did the whole 3D picture thing. Very cool. I actually slept through my husband's alarm and getting up for work this morning. That is weird!! I am a very light sleeper and have been since middle school so I am really surprised. I am also still sleeping 10-12 hours a day when I can. I am taking iron and vitamin B and my blood tests come back good, so I guess I am just tired.
I turned 40 on the 6th. It was a hard one. I work with old people and they had no sympathy at all, so it made it go a little better than if I sat at home pouting. We went out to dinner the night before and breakfast that morning. The boys brought my cake to me in bed. My poor boy is going to have all his happy childhood memories of his mother in bed.
I am off to have my less than 300mg of caffeine so I can actually get something done today.